Nature & Nurture
Embrace self & Environment
Seeds & Sustainability
Therapy using art

Support health, wellbeing and sustainability through:
- Nature – Creating gardens and flower designs
- Art Therapy – Therapy using art
- Mindfulness – Relaxation, mindfulness and meditation
Whilst providing boutique style workshops to create this.

Nest Flower Art’s Carolyn Howells is a qualified florist, Art Therapist BA psych, Dip AT and is trained in Mindfulness. Carolyn has owned a seaside flower and homeware business in South Australia, selling with a move back to her home on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. She has run workshops with Melbourne Art Class in Art Therapy, Mindfulness and Floristry, and flower workshops with Diggers and at the Briars, sharing knowledge and her passion for health, wellbeing and nature. In the past Carolyn has facilitated Mindfulness courses for groups and in Schools for Peninsula Mindfulness. Carolyn is currently a Mindfulness and Art Therapist supporting young families in the health sector.